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Part of my work "3400km diary" can be seen at the group show "Why do I keep thinking?" Beletageartspace, Utoquai 41 8008 Zurich.


opening 31st May 2024 6-8 p.m.

closing event 16th August 2024 6-8 p.m.


It´s still a heartwarming & painful at the same time, to think about the process, which led to creating "3400km diary". I was chosen by @expotranskultur to be one of the artists of the project "Found in translation" 2022. The aim was translating migratory experiences into art. I met amazing Syrian writer Lucian S., whose story became the basis of my work.

The whole artwork had been shown Helmhaus Zürich 2022.

With Kirill Agafonov, Alexandra Carambellas, Murnau Den Linden, Isabelle Krieg, Hanga Séra, Felix Stöckle

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10. July 2024 

Central Park, New York

"We are capitalism"


Photography: Anais Vouillamoz


Being in New York is being at the very heart of capitalism.

I‘ve spent days with walking and seeing and being amazed by the energy of this city.

At the same time, I saw the contradictions: the homeless people in the streets, the various realities of the different districts, the power of money.

I‘ve visited exhibitions of my most cherished artists, saw the artworks, which are breathing magic in and out.

And I understood that capitalism is not a principle, but a form of living organization, which we humans are forming. If we want to change, to do better, nobody else will do it for us.


We are capitalism.

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29 - 30. June 2024 

Küblis, Graubünden

Participatory planting project, based on Peter Trachsel's beautiful sentence "Ich probe das Scheitern / I try to fail".


I´ve sent the seeds of the marigold & camomille to 50 participants all over Switzerland, so we had been growing the plants in their homes for months.

We gathered at the end of June for 2 days to plant the seedlings.

on 29th June at 7 p.m.: reading of Birgit Kempker "Peter Trachsel - He supports himself and others through art", followed by a discussion about failure with cultural anthropologist and art researcher Michael Hiltbrunner, Birgit Kempker and Hanga Séra.

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7. March 2024 18:00

opening of my solo show “NO”

at Material - Raum für Buchkultur,

Klingestrasse 23 8005 Zürich


opening speech of  Antonella Barone / baronebreu.


I`m looking forward showing my last wall-based works. 


Opening hours:

8 - 10. und 12 - 13. März 14:00-18:00


"Everything flows / Alles fliesst"


DUO-series with Hanga Séra und Naomi T. Salmon

9. February - 7. March 2024

Midissage am Mittwoch, 21. February 2024


Gleis 70, Hermetschloostr. 70 8048 Zürich, 6.Stock


Hanga Séra "Farewell" 2024 Film 5.5 min.


The public art action took place in the historical centre of Zurich, beginning at the Munster bridge, ending at Badi untere Letten.


A blank, white screen was charged with emotions and thought by the artist & the audience, which was let into the water to float away.

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«Your breath is my home»


Beletage Artspace

Utoquai 41. 8008 Zürich


Vernissage 15. september 18.00-20.00

opening speech by Jeanette Weiss / Beletage Artsp. and Antonella Barone / baronebräu


Finnisage 10. november 

publication "Your breath is my home"

with Naomi Tereza Salmon



Hanga Séra

«Dessous - Dessus / unten - oben»


Kabinett Visarte

Schoffelgasse 10. 8001 Zürich


Freitag, 12. Mai 17 - 21 Uhr

Samstag, 13. Mai 14 - 19 Uhr

Sonntag, 14. Mai 14 - 18 Uhr


What is below, what is inside, outside, above?

The pictures and objects in the exhibition show ideas of a femininity where the inside turns to the outside and becomes the world itself.

Our live performance with Iranian-Norwegian artist Mona Tahani took place online as part of Together Elsewhere, a monthly performance series organized by PAB - Performance Art Bergen and PANCH - Performance Art Network Switzerland.


It had been streamed live online by the Mediathek of the HGK FHNW Basel.


You can watch the recorded live performance on Vimeo here


"Conversations with a Landscape" is the photo series of my landscape performances in Prättigau in autumn 2022.


The photographer Anaïs Vouillamoz captured all of these dialogues in her beautiful compositions.


We are happy to show the works in Zurich and thank Kunsthaus Kloster for their very kind support.

You can watch the fotos on Vimeo here


Opening hours: 10-12. November 2022 2-7 p.m.  

Kabinett Visarte Zurich

Schoffelgasse 10. 8001 Zurich


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I'm happy to be part of this great show

with two works:

Corona diary, 2020,

created with my fallen hair during the first lockdown


Balzers diary, 2021

with wooden planes, human hair, textile and citations of Hannah Arendt, Rainer Maria Rilke & excerpts of my journal during my residency in Balzers /Liechtenstein


opening on 15th September at 6.p.m. at Espace Arlaud, Lausanne

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"Weggefährten" at Galaria Fravi in Domat/Ems, Graubünden CH

December 2021 I asked people in the streets of Zurich and Altstetten SG to wear my angel wings. All of them, who I asked, agreed.

I'm combining these photographs with my very first angel wing action in Budapest back to 2002.


It's a pleasure to be part of the exhibition with Peter Trachsel / collection Esther Hellman and Thomas Zindel.


The opening will take place on Saturday 21st May 2022 at 6 p.m.

at Via Fravi 2 CH-7013 Domat/Ems 




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"Mon coeur" in Atelier62 

My performance "Mon coeur" will be part of the Art Afternoon on 20th November 2021 in Atelier62 Landstrasse 62 9494 Schaan FL.


At 4.15 p.m. Swiss painter Harlis Schweizer will make a guided tour through our exhibition.

At 5 p.m. I´ll show my collaborative performance "Mon coeur" after Venice and Zurich, now in Schaan, Liechtenstein.




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"Balzers diary" in Vaterland


On 27th October 2021 a beautifully written article had been published about my installation "Balzes diary" in Liechtenstein newspaper Vaterland.

Text: Julia Kaufmann

Photo: Nils Vollmar


More photos of "Balzers diary" on Vaterland online 


I've been focusing on this work during my 3-months artist-in-residence in the only medieval towerhouse of Liechtenstein.

As a closing event I presented the installation, which the towerhouse became an essential part of, to the publlic on 26th October 2021 during the afternoon hours. At 6.30 p.m. a final presentation took place at Alter Pfarrhof  in Balzers, with an introduction of Sonja Näscher, Amt für Kultur Liechtenstein. 


Amt für Kultur Liechtenstein


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Art Talk at Alter Pfarrhof, Balzers


On 7th October 2021 a discussion with Antonella Barone about my artistic practise with a strong focus on my work as an artist-in-residence in Liechtenstein will take place at Alter Pfarrhof, Balzers, Liechtenstein.








Artist-in-residence in Liechtenstein


From the 1st August 2021 this beautiful medieval tower house from the XIVth century will be my home & working place for 2.5 months.

As part of the exchange program between the Ministry of Culture of Liechtenstein and Gleis70 in Zurich I`m very happy to be invited to realise my artwork based on hair and participation. 


Photo:  Daniel Schwendener, www.schwendener.li






Sunday, 23th May 2021,  7.p.m. Münsterbrücke, Zurich

As a farewell to the Corona Call exhibition of Visarte, which closes on the same day at 6 p.m. and also to the remaining parts of the Corona lockdown (yes, I hope so) I will let an empty canvas float away on the waves of Limmat.

The start of this journey is the Münsterbrücke, where I will let the canvas reach the water.

The action will be realised with the contribution of a very sympathetic rowing club.




I`m a bloomy garden

My series "I´m a bloomy garden" will be part of the Parallel Vienna editions 21. Thank you Flat1 for the invitation!


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Corona diaries


My work "Corona diaries" is part of the first Corona Call exhibition of Visarte, which will be displayed at Wasserkirche, Zurich /Switzerland.



The opening will take place  on Saturday, 17th April 2021 at 2 - 8 p.m.

You can visit the exhibition untill 23th May 2021, Tuesday-Sunday 11 a.m - 6.p.m.

During the opening I will create the city diary of Zurich on the 17th April 2021. If you want to participate, come around and bring your hair, which you´ve collected in your comb on that very morning.



Corona Call on SRF